Buy-Side vs. Sell-Side and the Battle for Derivatives Supremacy
Understanding the different approaches between the buy-side and sell-side can help heads of operations, on either side, make informed decisions when it comes to managing risk.
Solving the derivatives proficiency puzzle
The derivatives efficiency puzzle facing many organisations is not the volume of data they possess but how to maximise its utility.
How FCMs can scale data and analytics like digital natives
FCMs need to avoid taking a narrow view of automation and advanced analytics and need to realise that the value potential of these initiatives can amount to more than the sum of their parts.
The three things to future-proof listed derivatives reconciliations?
The post-trade industry is currently going through a momentous shake up and reconciliations are being placed under the microscope to unlock their potential and free up resources. What are the key features to look out for?
Innovate or die
Kynetix recently launched its own Innovation Programme which provides a structured framework within everyone in the team has the opportunity, time and resources to test new ideas