Path to Perfect: Investment in Derivatives Reconciliations
Two years after conducting our initial report we revisit the findings and ask what has changed since then and where there is still work to be done.
Sell-side Clearing Management Insight Report
This report is based on a survey of Acuiti’s Sell-Side Clearing Network, and takes a detailed look at EMIR 3.0, CCP default risk, DORA and training in manual clearing.
FIA Cyber Risk: Concrete plan of action or regurgitated recommendations?
The FIA’s report has been lauded for addressing critical cyber security issues however, is it reliant on existing programs or is it a new forward-thinking approach?
DORA explored, regulatory overreach or desperate necessity?
DORA is a complex and costly regulation, but is it a necessary response to the ever-growing importance of operational resilience within the financial sector?
Derivatives Operations: A fresh perspective
In this digest we’ll bring fresh insights and, some may consider, controversial opinions to some of the key topics for operations leaders in 2023.
HelloZero now available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace
HelloZero is now available within the Microsoft Azure marketplace for all our prospective customers.
Highlights from FIA IDX 2023
The FIA’s annual derivatives event IDX 2023, brought together industry leaders, vendors and policymakers to discuss all things derivatives.
Getting ahead through cloud technology
A marked departure from the past as capital market participants have reached a growing consensus that cloud technology is the best way to manage data.
T+1 Settlements: A Global Shift for Financial Markets
The move to a T+1 settlement cycle, is here for some and on the horizon for others. Its potential impact is reverberating across the industry. The shift will offer a host of benefits and challenges.
Kynexion: Copenhagen 2023
Kynexion is one of many employee benefits by Kynetix. It is an annual weekend away to a European destination to have fun offsite as a team.