Smarter, faster control and validation for capital markets

We believe in a world with trusted and reliable data. Our purpose is to help capital markets firms streamline their back-office processes for greater efficiency, transparency and trust.

HelloZero automatically ingests high volumes of trade data in any format, uses Artificial Intelligence to standardise and enhance, and provides rich reconciliation and proofing.   

OLN is an informal peer network for senior operations leaders in capital markets, providing a friendly forum for members to share insights, challenges and the latest thinking. 

Used by the world's leading capital markets firms for real time validation, reconciliations, control and analytics

Designed with leading F&O traders, the reconciliations functionality is designed to deal with the most complex trading data and get back offices all square faster.

HelloZero is rapid to scale, augments other systems and in the event of outage or failure, provides an agile backup, point of proof and allows for business continuity.

Retains original data with date stamped audit trails. Automation, checks & balances & permissions remove the risk of human error, mitigate risk & maintain compliance.

All Square

Kynetix has been helping exchanges, banks, brokers and asset managers streamline processes for over 25 years.
Discover how HelloZero could be helping your business within a matter of weeks.

A fresh look at the issues facing busy managers in 2023. Features 10 quick five-minute reads covering subjects across the derivatives industry.


HelloZero has been built by Kynetix who have been helping exchanges, banks, brokers and asset managers streamline their back-office processes for the past 25 years.

HelloZero helps organisations:


Comprehensive control and data management

HelloZero is award-winning modular software, designed to streamline the processing of futures and options data. Secure, automated and cloud based, it ingests and standardises high volumes of trading data from multiple counterparties to create one single source of truth.

Validation | Single source of truth

HelloZero automatically ingests high volumes of trading data from multiple sources. It ‘normalises’, ‘standardises’, and ‘enhances’ providing clean data for financial and regulatory reporting and downstream operations.

Control | Visibility of risk profile

HelloZero provides clean validated data from front office and counterparties, giving operations leaders in futures and options rapid visibility of their consolidated positions, their upcoming expiries, and their overall risk profile. 

Reconciliation | Smarter, faster, futures reconciliations

HelloZero has been designed to handle complex futures and options reconciliations. It runs multiple recs off a single cleaned data set which encompasses the entire trading portfolio for a period. Daily balances are carried over showing aging breaks for prioritisation.

HelloZero is proud to be recognised as